
 It felt like spring today...


Head: Lelutka - Avalon @ Lelutka
Body: TMP - Legacy @ The shops

Skin: Mila - Natalia @ Tres chic
Shape: Bodytalk by The Hendes - Naty soon @ The Hendes

Hair: Stealthic - Thrive @ Stealthic
Bangs: Stealthic - Bangs set 2 @ equal10

Moles: #SCHOEN - Moles @ #SCHOEN
Lipstick: Mila - Dark Juicy Lipgloss @ Mila

Outfit: Nanika - Sofia @ Nanika
Strap: Nanao - Crossy Straps (for maze) @ Nanao

Nails: 1990 - Chrome Blood Nails @ 1990
Rings: LIVIA - Fallon Rings @ Reborn Event

Pose: [piXit] - Sai @ Reborn Event


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